A Future Anthropology by Autumn Brown
Issue: Art You Engaged

A Future Anthropology by Autumn Brown

After reading my story, people often ask me if I see the nature of my characters’ problems as deeply related to our own in the here and now. The answer is a resounding yes. And in fact I see my story, like so much of visionary fiction, as a future anthropology. Continue reading

On Safety, Politics, and Art by Gabrielle Bellot
Issue: Art You Engaged

On Safety, Politics, and Art by Gabrielle Bellot

You must create what you think must be said, what you think should be done… Perhaps the best art takes on the world in some way, destroys it & recreates it, draws reader and writer alike closer to the complexity of the globe or even of that planet’s place in a far vaster universe of which we are specks on a pale blue dot, a dot near-invisible on the map of the cosmos. Continue reading